Can Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) really fight a war?

The PLA is facing a number of internal and external challenges, including modernization, corruption, strategic challenges, recruitment and retention, and combat inexperience.
China has been investing heavily in modernizing its military, but the PLA still faces challenges in integrating advanced technologies and overcoming its legacy systems.
Corruption within the PLA has undermined its effectiveness and morale, and President Xi Jinping has launched a campaign to root out corruption.
China's assertive foreign policy and territorial claims have raised tensions with its neighbors and the United States, and the PLA must balance its ambition with the need to avoid conflict.
The PLA is facing a demographic challenge as the pool of eligible recruits shrinks, and competition for talent is increasing.
The lack of recent combat experience is a significant disadvantage for the PLA, particularly when compared to the US military.
To address these challenges, the PLA is seeking to gain experience through participation in international peacekeeping missions and joint military exercises with other countries, while increasing its focus on training and simulations.
In summary, the PLA faces a complex set of challenges that will require significant reforms, investments, and strategic adjustments to ensure that it remains an effective and reliable force for China's security and defense.
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